Monday 30 March 2015

You are beautiful... I promise.

Hey there!

I have a confession to make.
 I am a victim of Self-Love.

It just occurred to me that I love myself... Like no one else can or ever will.

I was just watching a video of me dancing and I noticed that I wasn't smiling at all. I just had a straight face on, and in that moment I told myself, "would it have hurt for you to smile a little?".

Then comes a part where I do smile a little and looking at my own smile made me oh so happy. It made me realize how beautiful I am.
This doesn't mean I think I am perfect or I don’t require any changes. I do.
This also doesn't mean I don’t have insecurities about my body, my color or my hair. I do, like every other girl but I also love myself the way I am.
I sure would love to shed some weight...get rid of my ugly sun tan...see my stretch marks disappear... improve the quality of my hair…have spotless and flawless skin, but it is a process.
I can’t wait for a day for all these changes to occur and then start loving myself.
I am aware that I am beautiful now as well... Not perfect but beautiful for sure.
I also don’t care what people think about how I look, yes I get conscious sometimes but given a choice between  my comfort against looking pretty in high heels or wearing clothes that irritate me, I’ll always choose my comfort. What matters to me is, looking at myself, seeing that smile on my own face and thinking "hey that girl right there... is so beautiful. Who is she?” hahahahah…
Well, that’s you... That could be you.
I know it is not easy to fall in love with yourself instantly after you've spent all this time hating and cursing your body and your own self... But just give it time and it will come from within. The least you can do for now is not hate yourself.

I recently read somewhere that "If she is pretty, doesn't mean you are ugly" and I feel this is so true. We look at someone and say "Man, isn't she beautiful... and look at me I look like a freakin pumpkin".

But hey, you are beautiful... I promise!

Thursday 26 July 2012

Hands to help!

Guys, spare a minute and look around. What do you see? I see an aged man in a terrible condition begging on the road, a small kid wandering in torn clothes, a stray dog being hit by stones, an ambulance trying to reach the hospital through traffic and a handicapped man on his wheel chair, which I think is probably where he lives. Got Goosebumps already?
I believe that we all usually avoid these scenes because we know we’d feel bad and terrible for them or maybe because it’s none of our business. But instead of feeling either ways why not use our hands which we fortunately have with the grace of god to use it to make someone happy. Now the question is what can we do, right?
There are plenty of ways. Instead of giving a coin to a poor kid, why not give him one of your t-shirt which is probably decaying in your closet or buy him some food or donate our blood at least once a year. Ok so now you are thinking that this might consume your valuable time, but you are wrong, when we help someone, even we earn something in return, know what? The most amazing feeling! The bible quotes, “what you sow, so shall you reap”!
You know what my family taught me? Keeping small packets of Parle-G in the car for beggars on the traffic signals, giving away the things which we don’t use and which might bring a smile on someone else’s face, a few words of prayer whenever an ambulance passes by and if nothing, then just be extremely thankful for what all we have.

“A selfish life is a worthless life”!

Tuesday 24 July 2012

I'am not doing it....!

I’m not doing it... is what you need to say when you are in a confused state of mind. Do everything only with the consent of your HEART. I know it sounds cheesy but I believe it’s the fact.
There are many things which we haven't done but our peers have, and we feel complex so one day we decide to step our foot where people want us to and finally end up stepping in quick sand.
There are moments when you think that this is the right thing to do and it must be at that time but if later you have second thoughts then DO NOT hesitate to take a step back because you never know how deep the pit was.
Believe me. never bother what people will think of you because you live for yourself, your happiness, your loved ones, not other people so "do what makes you happy"!
If you do things which you are totally sure about, believe me you will never regret that decision in your entire life but any hasty decision can lead to huge remorse and loss of faith.
So, the point is that never fear to say, “I’m not doing it! “ Because you are the captain of your own ship so take it where ever you wish!