Thursday, 26 July 2012

Hands to help!

Guys, spare a minute and look around. What do you see? I see an aged man in a terrible condition begging on the road, a small kid wandering in torn clothes, a stray dog being hit by stones, an ambulance trying to reach the hospital through traffic and a handicapped man on his wheel chair, which I think is probably where he lives. Got Goosebumps already?
I believe that we all usually avoid these scenes because we know we’d feel bad and terrible for them or maybe because it’s none of our business. But instead of feeling either ways why not use our hands which we fortunately have with the grace of god to use it to make someone happy. Now the question is what can we do, right?
There are plenty of ways. Instead of giving a coin to a poor kid, why not give him one of your t-shirt which is probably decaying in your closet or buy him some food or donate our blood at least once a year. Ok so now you are thinking that this might consume your valuable time, but you are wrong, when we help someone, even we earn something in return, know what? The most amazing feeling! The bible quotes, “what you sow, so shall you reap”!
You know what my family taught me? Keeping small packets of Parle-G in the car for beggars on the traffic signals, giving away the things which we don’t use and which might bring a smile on someone else’s face, a few words of prayer whenever an ambulance passes by and if nothing, then just be extremely thankful for what all we have.

“A selfish life is a worthless life”!

1 comment:

  1. Hey..
    That bit is an amazing boost to the 'Joy Of Giving Week'
    You are really inspiring Shraddha!
    keep up the good work!
    do check my blog
